
What interests me is only natural growth patterns and the beautiful forms that only nature can create. 

How it flows through me, what comes out is what I try to understand.


- Ross Lovegrove


Architect Frank Lloyd Wright pioneered Organic Design, introducing the term "organic" into his architectural philosophy. 

Organic design is a design approach inspired by nature, incorporating elements and principles derived from nature into a variety of creative fields.

Create beautiful and functional products by imitating organic forms, patterns, and even processes that exist in the environment, space or artwork.





  • Workshops are available for those above three(3) years old.
    適合三 (3) 歲以上人士參加。

  • Maximum eight(8) people per section for the best experience.
    為保持場氛圍,每節最多可容納八 (8) 人。

  • Provided Chinese herbal tea (hot drink) and Peng Chau snacks.

  • A special atmosphere to open up your art senses.

  • Instructors will also provide guidance and help you create.

  • We talk and discuss creativities, playfulness, feelings, nature and, of course, art.

  • Guests can create freely based on the materials & tools provided; you may also bring your own.

  • Each participant will receive a unique personal work after the workshop.

* Islanders can enjoy more then 10% discount *

HK$680 / Single Person 壹人 HK$500 / Two(2) People 二人同行 HK$400 / Five(5) People or above 五人或以上團體 - 20% OFF for Residents from Peng Chau 坪洲居民 15% OFF for Residents from Discovery Bay 愉景灣居民 15% OFF for Residents of other outlying islands ( Lamma, Mui Wo, Cheung Chau ) 其他離島居民 (南丫島、梅窩、長洲) - * How to get coupon code : presenting relevant proof (such as payment slip, contract or photo, etc.) through WhatsApp/E-mail. * 如何取得優惠碼:透過 WhatsApp或電子郵件出示相關證明(如付款單、租住合​​約或照片等)。

  • Category: Workshops
  • Service Duration: 01:30 Hours
  • Address: 5+2's Studio (Map)
  • Price:HK$400 - HK$680

  • Appointment ONLY: Full Payment is requested for single person booking for confirmation.

  • Participants can bring their own meals (relevant arrangements must be made one(1) day before the event). 5+2’s STUDIO will charge no more than 15% service fee.
    參加者可自備餐點(須於活動前一天通知以作安排)。 5+2's STUDIO 將收取不多於15%的服務費。

  • Group in five(5) or more may consider renting party supplies, projectors or equipment provided at the venue (need to inform three(3) days before the event for arrangement). 5+2’s STUDIO will charge no more than 15% service fee.
    五人或以上的團體可以考慮租用派對用品,投影機或場地提供的設備(需在活動前三天通知以作安排)。 5+2's STUDIO 將收取不多於15%的服務費。

  • For re-arrangement or cancellation, please inform at least three(3) days ahead through WhaApps(+852 64007156). 
    如需改期或取消預約,請至少提前三天透過 WhaApps (+852 64007156) 通知。

  • Please understand there won’t be any refund for unreasonablecancellation.

  • If a red rainstorm signal or typhoon signal No. 3 is issued. Participants may consider rescheduling or canceling and contact us via WhatApps (+852 64007156) three(3) hours before the event to make relevant arrangements. 5+2’s STUDIO will refund the full deposit within no more than seven(7) days.
    如發出紅色暴雨訊號或三號颱風訊號,參加者可考慮重新安排時間或取消預約,並於活動開始前三 (3) 小時透過 WhatApps(+852 64007156)聯絡我們以便作出相關安排。 5+2's STUDIO 將在七 (7) 天內退還全數款項。

  • If black rainstorm or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is issued, the event will be canceled without further notice. 5+2’s STUDIO will refund the full deposit within seven(7) days.
    若天文台發出黑色暴雨或八號或以上颱風訊號,預約將自動取消,不作另行通知。 5+2’s STUDIO 將在七 (7) 天內退還全數款項。

  • Please be responsible for your safety and belongings. 5+2’s STUDIO is not responsible for any injury/loss/damage.
    請對閣下財物及安全負責。 5+2’s STUDIO 對任何傷害/損失/損壞概不負責。

  • 5+2’s STUDIO reserves the right to make changes and modifications.
    5+2’s STUDIO 保留更改和修改的最終權利。

Central < > Peng Chau

中環 - 坪洲 船期表

Inter Islands Sailings ( Peng Chau, Mui Wo, Chi Ma Wan & Cheung Chau)

橫水渡船期表 ( 坪洲, 梅窩, 芝麻灣 及 長洲 )